The Military Campaign

The Military Campaign, also called a mini-campaign or MC, is central to your day to day life on Legends. It simulates your unit’s deployment and engagements between refitting.

While this means that each game you play is part of your MC, the games you play do not represent an entire battle - just think of them as the turning points of each battle, where the tide could turn for either side.

A typical MC

  • Pull units from Quartermaster
  • Purchase and assign pilots to units
  • Construction of armies
  • Battle/Play games until you get a reward point
  • Spend reward point to begin a new MC

Pulling units from the Quartermaster

In your Headquarters tab, you should see an overview of your current hangar - which should be empty at the start. To the top right, you should see a field that will list your current

  • Influence (flu)
  • Reward Points (RP)
  • Techs

Influence: at the start of your first MC, before you pull any units, you should have 1000 Influence. These points allow you to purchase new equipment, at the cost of 1 flu per unit.

Reward Points: every battle you fight, every game you play, the total BV you use will be counted and will be shown as your Hangar BV Used. Once you have used up 85% of your total Hangar BV, you will get a Reward Point. That RP can then be exchanged for 1000 flu, which then also ends your MC.

Techs: Each unit you purchase or salvage requires a certain number of techs to maintain them. Units that are not maintained cannot be assigned to armies or used in battles.

At the start, you should have 682 techs. As you purchase units, techs will be automatically assigned to them. The number of free techs you have represents how many more are available to maintain additional units.

The Quartermaster tab represents your faction’s Quartermaster, from whom you get your assigned units. You can choose what class of unit to purchase, but the QM will assign the specific units to you randomly.

For example, depending on your chosen faction, if you choose to pull a light mech, you may get a Locust, Wasp or even a Wolfhound.

As you pull units from the Quartermaster, remember that you will not be able to pull units again until you have used up 85% of your total Hangar BV. Read the army construction rules carefully so that you will be able to create enough legal rmies to meet this total.

Things to think about while pulling units:

  • Rules for army composition (legality)
  • Available models and designs (available through the Quartermaster tab)
  • Your opponents available on the strategic map (Map tab)
  • Unit mix
  • Your personal play style